Mexico 20 Pesos

Mexico Gold 20 Pesos

20 Pesos Gold Coin Value

This gold coin contains 0.482 troy ounces of bullion. Based on the metal content and weight, the melt value of a Mexico Gold 20 Pesos is $1404.81 based on today's gold spot price.

Mexico Gold 20 Pesos Specifications

Weight .4823 oz
Country Mexico
Type Sovereign Bullion
Mint La Casa de Moneda de Mexico
Year Various
Coins Series Mexican Gold Pesos
Classification Historical
Face Value 20 pesos (20 MXP)
Coins Type Sovereign Bullion
Purity .900 fineness
Capsule Size Capsules are available from Amazon: SimpleLif 10 Piece 28mm Clear Round Cases Coin Storage Capsules Holder Round Plastic - $6.99
Diameter 27.50 mm
Thickness 2.03 mm
Edge Smooth with lettering