Gold Coin Values

Find the melt value of common Gold Bullion coins based on the live gold spot price. Understand the value of your gold bullion coins whether you're buying or selling.

Coin Name Origin Country Mint Gold Weight Purity Melt Value
Mexico 2 Pesos Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .0482 .900 $140.37
Mexico 2 1/2 Pesos Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .0603 .900 $175.61
Mexico 5 Pesos Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .1205 .900 $350.93
Mexico 10 Pesos Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico 0.2411 .900 $702.16
1/10 oz American Gold Eagle United States US Mint .10 .9167 $291.23
1/4 oz American Gold Eagle United States US Mint 0.25 .9167 $728.08
1 oz American Gold Eagle United States US Mint 1 .9167 $2912.32
20 Francs Rooster France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
20 Francs Helvetia Switzerland Swiss Mint 0.1867 .900 $543.73
British Sovereign Great Britain The Royal Mint 0.2354 .9167 $685.56
British Half Sovereign Great Britain The Royal Mint .1177 .9167 $342.78
1 oz Krugerrand South Africa South African Mint 1 .9167 $2912.32
1/2 oz Krugerrand South Africa South African Mint .50 .9167 $1456.16
1/4 oz Krugerrand South Africa South African Mint .25 .9167 $728.08
1/10 oz Krugerrand South Africa South African Mint .10 .9167 $291.23
1 oz Britannia Great Britain The Royal Mint 1 .9999 $2912.32
$10 Liberty Eagle Gold Coin United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
1/20 oz Canadian Maple Leaf Canada Royal Canadian Mint .05 .9999 $145.62
Mexico 20 Pesos Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .4823 .900 $1404.61
Swiss 10 Francs Switzerland Swiss Mint .0933 .900 $271.72
Austria 1 Ducat Austria Austrian Mint .1106 .986 $322.10
Colombia 5 Pesos Colombia Colombian Mint .2355 .900 $685.85
$20 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle United States US Mint .9675 .9167 $2817.67
$20 Liberty Double Eagles United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
Austria 10 Coronas Austria Austrian Mint .0980 .900 $285.41
Austria 4 Florin Franz Joseph Gold Coin Austria Austrian Mint .0933 .900 $271.72
$5 Liberty Head Half Eagle United States US Mint .2419 .900 $704.49
Mexico 50 Peso Centenario Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico 1.2057 .900 $3511.38
1/2 oz American Gold Eagle United States US Mint .50 .9167 $1456.16
China 1 Gram Panda China The Central Mint of China 0.03215 .999 $93.63
1 oz American Buffalo United States US Mint 1 .9999 $2912.32
Austria 8 Florin Gold Coin Austria Austrian Mint .1867 .900 $543.73
$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold United States US Mint .2419 .900 $704.49
20 Francs Gold Coin Various .1867 .900 $543.73
5 Francs Gold Coin France Monnaie de Paris .0471 .900 $137.17
10 Francs Gold Coin France Monnaie de Paris .0933 .900 $271.72
Canada 1 gram MapleGram Canada Royal Canadian Mint 0.03215 .9999 $93.63
$5 U.S. Mint Commemorative Gold Coins United States US Mint .24187 .900 $704.40
Australia 1 oz Kangaroo Australia Perth Mint 1 .9999 $2912.32
France 20 Francs Lucky Angel Gold Coin France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
1 oz Gold Maple Leaf Canada Royal Canadian Mint 1 .9999 $2912.32
$5 Indian Head Half Eagle United States US Mint .2419 .900 $704.49
$2.50 Liberty Gold Quarter Eagle United States US Mint .121 .900 $352.39
$2.50 Indian Quarter Eagle United States US Mint .121 .900 $352.39
U.S. Mint $5 Gold Commemorative United States US Mint .2419 . $704.49
Indian Head $10 Gold Coin Cleaned United States US Mint .4838 .9167 $1408.98
$10 Commemorative Gold Coin United States US Mint .4837 .900 $1408.69
Belgium 20 Francs Gold Coin Belgium Royal Belgian Mint .1867 .900 $543.73
Italy 20 Lire Gold Coin Italy Various .1867 .900 $543.73
Austria 20 Corona Gold Austria Austrian Mint .1960 . $570.81
Austria 1/25 oz Philharmonic Gold Coin Austria Austrian Mint .04 .999 $116.49
Austria 1/4 oz Philharmonic Gold Coin Austria Austrian Mint .25 .9999 $728.08
Austria 1/2 oz Philharmonic Gold Coin Austria Austrian Mint .50 .999 $1456.16
Canada 1/4 oz Gold Maple Leaf Coin Canada Royal Canadian Mint .25 .9999 $728.08
1/2 oz Canada Gold Maple Leaf Coin Canada Royal Canadian Mint .50 .9999 $1456.16
France 20 Francs Napoleon III France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
France 20 Francs Napoleon III Laureate Head France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
France 20 Francs Ceres France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
France 20 Francs Louis XVIII France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
Gold Sovereign Victoria Shield Reverse Great Britain The Royal Mint .2354 .9167 $685.56
1 oz Mexican Libertad Gold Coin Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico 1 .999 $2912.32
1/2 oz Mexican Libertad Gold Coin Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .50 .999 $1456.16
1/4 oz Mexican Libertad Gold Coin Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .25 .999 $728.08
1/10 oz Mexican Libertad Gold Coin Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .10 .999 $291.23
1/20 oz Mexican Libertad Gold Coin Mexico La Casa de Moneda de Mexico .05 .999 $145.62
1/10 oz Gold Chiwoo Cheonwang South Korea KOMSCO .10 .999 $291.23
2016-W 1/10 oz Gold Mercury Dime United States US Mint .10 .9999 $291.23
1/5 oz Gold Trident United States Scottsdale Mint .20 .9999 $582.46
$1 Liberty Gold Coin United States US Mint .04837 .900 $140.87
$20 Liberty Double Eagle Gold Coin United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
France 10 Francs Napoleon III France Monnaie de Paris 0.0933 .900 $271.72
France 100 Francs Napoleon III France Monnaie de Paris .9334 .900 $2718.36
France 100 Francs Lucky Angel France Monnaie de Paris .9334 .900 $2718.36
France 100 Francs Napoleon III Laureate France Monnaie de Paris .9334 .900 $2718.36
France 40 Francs Louis Philippe I France Monnaie de Paris .3734 .900 $1087.46
France 40 Francs Louis XVIII France Monnaie de Paris .3734 .900 $1087.46
France 40 Francs Charles X France Monnaie de Paris .3734 .900 $1087.46
France 20 Francs Napoleon I France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
France 20 Francs Louis Philippe I France Monnaie de Paris .1867 .900 $543.73
Liberty $1 Gold Coin United States US Mint 0.0484 .900 $140.96
Russia 5 Roubles Various 0.1244 .900 $362.29
Francs 40 Francs Napoleon France Monnaie de Paris 0.3734 .900 $1087.46
$20 Liberty Double Eagle (AU) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle (AU) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Liberty Double Eagle (BU) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Liberty Double Eagle (Cleaned/Jewelry Grade) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle (BU) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle (XF) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle (Cleaned) United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$20 Liberty Double Eagle MS65 United States US Mint .9675 .900 $2817.67
$10 Liberty Head Eagle Gold Coin Brilliant Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Liberty Eagle About Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Liberty Eagle Extra Fine United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Liberty Eagle Jewelry-Grade United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Indian Eagle Brilliant Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Indian Eagle About Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Indian Eagle Very Fine United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$10 Indian Eagle Cleaned United States US Mint 0.4838 .900 $1408.98
$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (BU) United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Liberty Half Eagle About Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Liberty Half Eagle Extra Fine United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Liberty Half Eagle Very Fine United States US Mint 0.2419 .999 $704.49
$5 Liberty Head Half Eagle Cleaned United States US Mint 0.2419 .999 $704.49
$5 Indian Half Eagle Brilliant Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Indian Half Eagle About Uncirculated United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Indian Half Eagle Extra Fine United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Indian Half Eagle Very Fine United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$5 Indian Half Eagle Cleaned United States US Mint 0.2419 .900 $704.49
$2.50 Indian Quarter Eagle Very Fine United States US Mint 0.1209 .900 $352.10
U.S. Mint 1 oz Gold Medal United States US Mint 1 .900 $2912.32
U.S. Mint 1 oz Gold Commemorative Arts Medal United States US Mint 1 .900 $2912.32
Tunisia 20 Francs Tunisia Various .1867 .900 $543.73
$2.50 Indian Quarter Eagle Brilliant Uncirculated United States US Mint .121 .900 $352.39

Bullion Coin Melt Value Guide

Melt value is the intrinsic value of an item based solely on the weight of the precious metals, which is calculated based on the current spot price.

For bullion investors, this calculation is a fundamental way to determine the base value of items such as coins, bars, or jewelry, regardless of numismatic or collectible premiums.

The Gold Melt Value Guide provides values specifications and data for a variety of gold coins and bars.

What is Melt Value?

Understanding these terms helps investors and collectors decide when buying or selling precious metals based on melt value.

Term Definition
Troy Ounce The industry uses the troy-ounce scale for measuring precious metals. A troy ounce is about 31.1035 grams, which is heavier than the regular ounce (28.3495 grams).
Spot Price This is the current market price of the metal, which changes based on market conditions.
Purity/Fineness Indicates the proportion of precious metal in an item. For instance, 24-karat is pure gold (99.9% fineness), while sterling silver is 92.5% pure.
Bullion Refers to gold, silver, or other precious metals in the form of bars, coins, or ingots, primarily valued by their weight and purity, not by their collectible or historical value.
Numismatic Value This is the value of a coin or precious metal item based on factors like rarity, age, condition, and historical significance. Numismatic value is separate from melt value.
Alloy Gold or silver coins are often mixed with other metals for durability in the minting process.

Calculating Gold Melt Value

The melt value is simple to calculate if you have the necessary information.

First, identify the weight in troy ounces. For standard coins and bars, you can find this information on dealer websites.

Second, identify the metal's purity or fineness. For example, a 14-karat gold item is only 58.3% gold, while a 24-karat item is 99.9% pure.

Third, multiply the item's weight by its Purity to get the total amount of pure precious metal.

Finally, multiply the weight of the metal by the current spot price to get the melt value.

For example, one troy ounce of 90% pure silver at a spot price of $31 per troy ounce has a melt value of $27.90.

(1 troy ounces) X (0.9 purity) X ($31 spot price) = $27.90 melt value.

Examples of Items You Can Sell for Melt Value

Metal Type Description
Gold Scrap Gold Jewelry Old, broken, or unwanted jewelry, often sold for melt value based on its gold content. Items marked with "10K," "14K," or "18K" can be tested or weighed for their gold purity.
Gold Coins with Low Numismatic Value Common or heavily circulated coins, such as those damaged or without significant collector interest, are ideal for selling at melt value.
Gold Dental Gold Crowns, bridges, and fillings that contain gold can also be refined and sold for their metal content.

Factors to Consider When Selling at Melt Value

The higher the Purity, the higher the melt value. Always confirm the Purity before selling. Testing the Purity might be necessary for items like jewelry or industrial silver.

Monitor current spot prices for gold and silver. The market can fluctuate daily, and timing your sale when prices are high will ensure a better return.

Buyers often deduct refining costs for scrap items, especially if the item is an alloy.

Why Sell for Melt Value?

Selling for melt value is ideal for precious metal items that lack collectible or artistic value. For instance, damaged jewelry, worn-out coins, or industrial silver are still valuable for their metal content.

Benefits of Knowing Melt Value

Understanding melt value offers several advantages. Focusing on the weight and Purity ensures you get the most accurate return based on current market conditions.

Additionally, selling precious metals for melt value provides a fast and efficient way to convert old or unwanted items into cash without waiting for the collector's market.