$5 Indian Head Half Eagle

$5 Indian Head Half Eagle

$5 Indian Head Half Eagle Value

This gold coin contains 0.242 troy ounces of bullion. Based on the metal content and weight, the melt value of a $5 Indian Head Half Eagle is $703.98 based on today's gold spot price.

$5 Indian Head Half Eagle Specifications

Weight .2419 oz
Country United States
Type Gold Coin
Mint US Mint
Year Various
Classification Historical
Purity .900 fineness
Capsule Size Capsules are available from Amazon: OnFireGuy 20pcs 22mm Black Ring Coin Holders & Capsule Tube with Black Cap Lid for 1/4oz Gold Eagles | Capsules & Storage Tube for 1/4oz Gold Eagle, 1/4oz Philharmonic Gold Coins, 1/4oz Gold Britannia - $24.95
Diameter 21.6 mm
Thickness 1.59 mm