$2.50 Indian Quarter Eagle

$2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle

$2.50 Indian Quarter Eagle Value

This gold coin contains 0.121 troy ounces of bullion. Based on the metal content and weight, the melt value of a $2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle is $352.44 based on today's gold spot price.

$2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle Specifications

Weight .121 oz
Country United States
Type Government Bullion
Mint US Mint
Year Various
Coins Series Pre-1933 US Gold
Classification Historical
Face Value $2.50 USD
Coins Type Government Bullion
Purity .900 fineness
Capsule Size Capsules are available from Amazon: Red Capsule Tube & 20 18mm Black Ring Coin Holders for Seated Barber Mercury Roosevelt Dimes by OnFireGuy - $24.95
Diameter 18 mm
Thickness 1.14 mm

$2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagle eBay Auctions

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